GAMR Streaming – Webflow

Project Overview

Developed in Webflow and designed using Figma, this project not only showcases a commitment to high-quality streaming technology but also reflects a deep understanding of the gaming community’s needs and preferences.

Design Philosophy

With the unique dynamics of gaming in mind, the design of the GAMR website was driven by the goal of creating an engaging, intuitive, and visually compelling entry point for users seeking a superior gaming streaming experience. Utilizing Figma, the design process focused on creating a user-friendly interface that effectively communicates the service’s features while ensuring accessibility on both mobile and desktop devices. Attention to detail, from color schemes inspired by the gaming world to streamlined navigation paths, was paramount in crafting an environment that gamers would find both familiar and innovative.

Development Approach

Leveraging Webflow for development, the GAMR website was brought to life with functionality and form in harmony. This approach enabled the site to offer a responsive, seamless experience, whether accessed from a desktop powerhouse or a mobile device on the go. Webflow’s robust platform facilitated the integration of a content management system (CMS) for blogs and author information, enriching the site with valuable content related to gaming news, updates, and insights from leading voices in the gaming community.


  • Streaming Service Access: The GAMR website is the portal to a streaming service designed specifically for gamers, offering a wide range of content accessible across different devices.
  • Content-Rich Platform: Through its CMS, the website features regularly updated blogs and articles, providing users with insights, news, and updates about the latest in gaming.
  • Designed for Gamers: Every aspect of the site, from user interface to content selection, is crafted with the gamer in mind, ensuring an engaging and user-centric experience.
  • Responsive and Adaptive Design: The website’s design ensures that users have a consistent and high-quality experience, regardless of whether they are accessing the service on a desktop or a mobile device.


GAMR’s website epitomizes the intersection of cutting-edge streaming technology and user-centered design. It reflects a holistic understanding of the gaming community’s needs, offering an accessible, engaging platform for gamers to explore and enjoy streaming content. This project highlights my ability to navigate the complexities of web design and development, creating a space that not only serves its functional purpose but also enriches the user’s digital lifestyle.

SyncSpace – Webflow

Project Overview

SyncSpace represents a comprehensive project aimed at demonstrating advanced skills in UI/UX design, web development, and content management system integration. SyncSpace serves as a digital canvas for showcasing blogs and author profiles, all managed through a dynamic database-driven content system.

Design Philosophy

The design of SyncSpace was guided by a commitment to simplicity, user engagement, and aesthetic fluidity. Utilizing Figma, the project was given life through meticulous wireframing, prototyping, and user interface design. The focus was on creating an intuitive user experience that makes navigation and content interaction seamless and engaging. The design process was deeply rooted in the principles of modern web aesthetics, emphasizing clean lines, coherent color schemes, and responsive layouts.

Development Approach

The transition from design to development encapsulated a seamless workflow made possible by Webflow’s versatile platform. This allowed for the direct translation of Figma prototypes into live, functional web pages without losing the nuances of the original design. Webflow’s CMS capabilities were leveraged to create a structured content management system that handles blogs and author profiles, ensuring that the site remains dynamic and easily updatable.

Content Management System

Central to SyncSpace is its robust CMS, designed to facilitate easy content creation, management, and publication. This system supports a diverse range of content, from detailed blog posts to comprehensive author bios, all stored within a well-organized database. The CMS functionality was integrated with an eye for scalability, allowing for future expansions and updates to the platform’s content offerings.

Technical Highlights

  • Figma Design: Leveraged for its powerful UI/UX design capabilities, enabling a detailed and user-centered design process.
  • Webflow Development: Chosen for its ability to transform complex designs into fully responsive websites, complemented by seamless CMS integration.
  • Database-Driven Content: A structured CMS backend allows for the dynamic display of blogs and author information, ensuring the site remains fresh and engaging.


The SyncSpace project showcases the intersection of design and development in creating a functional, visually appealing digital platform. It reflects a comprehensive understanding of the tools and techniques that define modern web design and development, highlighting my capabilities in bringing complex projects from concept to reality. SyncSpace stands as a portfolio piece that demonstrates my commitment to excellence in digital design and my ability to navigate the challenges of web development and content management.

Cryptovideo – Webflow

Project Overview

CryptoVideo was developed in Webflow and designed with Figma. It stands as a testament to the power of combining state-of-the-art security measures with user-centered design.

Design Philosophy

The design of the CryptoVideo website was guided by the principle of “security meets simplicity.” Using Figma, we crafted a user interface that conveys trust and professionalism while ensuring ease of use. The design process focused on creating a seamless experience for users, from the moment they learn about the service to the ease of starting their first encrypted conversation. Emphasis was placed on clean lines, secure visual cues, and a straightforward navigation structure to facilitate quick access to the platform’s features.

Development Approach

With Webflow as the development backbone, the CryptoVideo website was brought to life with an emphasis on responsive design and cross-platform compatibility. This approach ensured that users could easily access the service from any device, be it a desktop for team meetings or a mobile device for on-the-go communications. The development process prioritized security features, implementing the latest encryption standards to safeguard all communications through the platform.


  • Encrypted Video Conferencing: At the heart of CryptoVideo is its robust encryption protocols, ensuring that all video conferencing and chat communications are secure and private.
  • Intuitive User Interface: The platform features an easy-to-navigate interface, allowing users to quickly set up meetings, invite participants, and manage their account settings without hassle.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Designed to work seamlessly across devices, CryptoVideo ensures that businesses can communicate securely, whether in the office or remotely.
  • High-Quality Video and Audio: Leveraging advanced technology, CryptoVideo provides crystal-clear video and audio, making every conversation as productive as possible.


CryptoVideo’s website encapsulates the essence of secure and efficient business communication in the digital age. It highlights a commitment to delivering a top-tier encrypted chat and video conferencing service, designed with the user’s needs in mind. This project showcases my expertise in web design and development, emphasizing the importance of security, functionality, and user experience in creating a platform that businesses can trust for their most critical communications.

“GrotesQ” WordPress theme

The “Grotesq” responsive WordPress theme provides pre-built features that effortlessly accommodate a variety of design preferences, making it a user-friendly choice for achieving your desired website aesthetics.

It is a modern WordPress theme built on a lightweight, advanced framework. Enjoy the flexibility of dual color modes with a one-click switcher.
Choose from two distinct header styles and effortlessly integrate your social media presence.
Explore three versatile front page templates, tailor your post display, and utilize three widgetized footer sections.
Opt for a sidebar-less page layout for a clean aesthetic.
With seamless Woocommerce integration and mobile responsiveness, this theme empowers your online presence.

  • Lightweight modern advanced framework
  • Dual color mode switcher
  • Three version site headers with switcher
  • Built in 10 social media options
  • Three front page templates
  • Front page, number of posts selector
  • Three widgetised footer areas
  • Sidebar-less page option
  • Child-Theme included
  • Logo and header image options
  • Woocommerce design and integration
  • Mobile responsive design

Designed in: Figma

Edited in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Ai: Firefly

“Royal” – World of Warcraft

Case Study: WordPress Theme “Royal” for World of Warcraft


“Royal” is a WordPress theme tailored for World of Warcraft (WoW) websites, offering immersive visuals and powerful features.


Existing solutions didn’t provide content ownership to users because they weredeployed on centralized noon-transferable systems, leaving guilds and bloggers without engaging platforms as soon as they stopped subscriptions.

Solution: “Royal” empowers users to effortlessly launch their own websites, capturing the grandeur of Azeroth through rich colors, intricate typography, and customizable elements. Unlike subscription-based services, “Royal” ensures users have complete ownership of their content.

Key Features:

  • WoW-inspired design elements and navigation interface.
  • Fully responsive layout for optimal viewing on all devices.
  • Seamless integration with BBpress Forums and WooCommerce for community engagement and merchandise sales.
  • Multiple front page templates for customizable landing pages.
  • Lightweight with a 95-point Google PageSpeed ranking.


  • Enhanced online presence for guilds and communities.
  • Improved content presentation for content creators.
  • Increased visitor engagement and community building.
  • Allowed permanent ownership of the content.

“Classic” – World of Warcraft


“Classic” World of Warcraft WordPress theme includes both faction designs elements, dozens of class and professions as custom headers and multitude of montaged backgrounds. It is one of the most successful and purchased designs to this day.

Theme has custom front / landing page options such as excerpt list or full post of latest posts. Comes with Automatic “featured post” slider. It pulls featured images and post titles into a slider automatically, no separate setup needed.Theme also has option for sidebar-less page creation using dropdown template menu. It also has hidden front page which can be used to output any content like youtube video, text and images.

WooCommerce shopping cart and bbPress forum integration is also included.


The theme is built on _S framework and is responsive, mobile friendly.

  • Custom front / landing page options
  • Multi-level drop-down menu
  • “Featured Post” Slider
  • bbPress forum design and integration
  • WooCommerce shopping cart Support
  • Multiple graphical personalization (montaged background, header factions/class/race/profession)
  • Responsive and light
  • Footer widget areas
  • “Sidebar-less Page” option
  • Custom Logo support
  • Custom header support
  • Coding, with Visual Studio code.


Theme is drawn and designed with Adobe Photoshop.

“Vanilla” – World of Warcraft


“Vanilla” World of Warcraft WordPress theme is inspired by and closely resembles the earliest World of Warcraft webpage design that is no longer available, so it has a special spot.
The theme has custom front / landing page options such as excerpt list of latest posts, static front page or a basic blog. It also has option for sidebar-less page creation using dropdown template menu. Three custom footer widget areas are included as well as bbPress forum and WooCommerce shopping cart design and integration.


“Vanilla” theme is built on _S framework with CSS Grid layout system and is responsive, mobile friendly.

  • Custom front / landing page options
  • Multi-level drop-down menu
  • Static content output on front page
  • bbPress forum design and integration
  • WooCommerce shopping cart Support
  • Multiple graphical header image personalization
  • Responsive and light
  • Footer widget areas
  • “Sidebar-less Page” option
  • Custom Logo support
  • Coding, with Visual Studio code.


Drawn and designed with Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer.

Guild Wars 2


This Guild Wars 2 WordPress theme has custom front / landing page options such as excerpt list of latest posts, static front page or a basic blog. The theme also has option for sidebar-less page creation using dropdown template menu. It also comes with three custom footer widget areas and bbPress forum and WooCommerce shopping cart integration.


The theme is built on _S framework and is responsive – mobile compatible.

  • Custom Front Page Templates
  • Multi-level drop-down menu
  • Featured Posts Slider
  • Full Width Page (no sidebar) Template
  • bbPress Forum Design and Integration
  • WooCommerce Design Integration
  • Custom Background image support
  • Custom Header image support
  • Montaged Background and header class “profession” designs
  • Coded using Visual Studio code.


Drawn and designed with Adobe Photoshop.

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